ZEN METAL Wanted – Dating Game Rules

Shortly: basically, this is speed-dating for picky people adapted for Second Life:

    1. Fill up your profile and find an interesting person at ZEN METAL Wanted inworld dating joint.
    2. Find another player you like and invite them on a date: Give them the time and landmark and ask if they’ll be there. They will answer yes or no. The easiest way is to ask a person out right now, our boards have an online indicator.  Have the SHORTEST conversation possible BEFORE the date.
    3. You go on ONE DATE, during which you decide whether you want to see this person again or not. You are NOT ALLOWED to ask or discuss whether you want to meet again. Do not add each other as friends during your date. Do not ask to be added. (This is the MOST IMPORTANT RULE.) You may check that you’ll both know the rendezvous time and place, but NOT whether either one of you plans to be there.
    4. Your profile has a default rendezvous location set, but you can choose another one with your date if you prefer. It is important you know their profile has a default location set if you forget to ask. [1]If you forget to agree on the rendezvous location, by default-default, choose the youngest avatar’s default location and timing (24 hours after, for example, you’ll see from the profile.)
    5. Please note that your extended profile has about a book’s worth of profile fields to fill out! Find your profile at https://zenmetal.club/members/yourusername/ and EDIT to add all information in.
    6. Check out the HELP section on how to join the fun.



1 If you forget to agree on the rendezvous location, by default-default, choose the youngest avatar’s default location and timing (24 hours after, for example, you’ll see from the profile.)