ZEN METAL Systematic Verified Product/Creator

There are two ways to become ZEN METAL Systematic Verified. You can verify an individual product or yourself as a creator. Once you have the verified creator status, your store will be linked to from ZEN METAL Systematic’s main office as a resource. A ZEN METAL Systematic creator must have produced at least 5 verified ZEN METAL Systematic compatible products – they can all be submitted simultaneously.

To submit:

Please send Sebastyne Alpha a notecard stating a location where each product can be checked, sat on, or walked in/through. If you prefer, you can also send me a product demo package with a minimum of 10 minutes to test it. I will need rezzing rights on the land to rezz my own copy of a size guide object to check yours against. (I can join/unjoin a group if required. Please instruct me on which group I will need. You can remove me later unless I do so myself.)



Furniture is in the most demand as adjusting animations for each resized piece of furniture takes time and dedication. If you create furniture, you can carve yourself a niche as a ZEN METAL Systematic compatible creator.

(You do not need to adhere to the ZEN METAL AVpos notecard configuration described below, at least not yet, as it’s a big ask and also I haven’t fully signed up for it myself, yet. ;p)

I will inspect:

  • the seat height
  • the seat depth (a normally sized avatar must be able to comfortably lean to the back of the seat.)
  • Animations must be set so that a normally sized avatar’s feet don’t sink into the ground, (use rotation when position is very “square”.) I’ll understand it’s not always 100% possible in EVERY animation, but for the most part, the animations should look right.)
  • That avatars don’t vanish into pillows or hover above the piece etc.

Homes and commercial buildings.

I will inspect:

  • your door sizes
  • the door knob/handle height.
  • your staircase step height and depth
  • railings and fences height
  • window height and size (so no normal window is so high an adult wouldn’t see through it.)
  • if furnished, I’ll check it the same way as above.

Second Life Locations.

Your entire location must be created on 1:1 scale. (Some deviation is acceptable, given Second Life’s pains-in-the-neck.) PLEASE NOTE that I will NOT approve 1.2:1 scale sims as ZEN METAL Systematic compatible, they do have to be 1:1 scale.

I will inspect:

  • your building size – you can have BIG BUILDINGS but the components of them must be something you’d see in real life. If the building has just been stretched from the corners so that an adult avatar will stand by a window the bottom of which is at eye level, there is no explanation for it. In other words, you cannot use a shed for a house by stretching it and get away with it.
  • your seat heights
  • your door sizes
  • your door knob heights
  • fences and railings
  • staircases
  • general look and feel.

With full scenes SOME ITEMS will be forgiven even if they are off scale. Sometimes you can justify the use of an unrealistically sized object if it was a no modify object but so cool you can’t NOT use it.

Fantasy scenes;

When presenting fantasy scenes, a scale is still a factor. You have to somehow present the size of the scene by adding maybe realistic doors, seats perhaps, or mesh people that are sized as humans. It’s your choice how you do it, but even if fantasy, the ‘Alice in Wonderland’ feeling often comes from the scale difference.



Readjusted AVpos Notecards for existing furniture.

If you love adjusting animations, please consider creating AVpos notecards for popular furniture using the ZEN METAL Systematic configuration convention. (See ZEN METAL Systematic package and/or this video.) Here’s a template file for organizing animations into the notecard that I’m working on. It’s just one thing on a long list of my projects, please let me know if it excites you, and I’ll finish it a lot faster!

(The goal is to make it easier for the end-user to figure out where to put animation packs. It would also remove the problem of the sitter 0 and sitter 1 being of opposite genders in some pieces making it a pain to combine notecards. It is in Google Doc format as it is a little easier to navigate with the side view panel… Although I WISH they could be collapsed…)

Animation packs.

Basically, animation packs are normal Second Life animations that are distributed with the AVpos notecard configured to the ZEN METAL Systematic configuration convention. The idea is that they can be easily combined as “animation add-on packages” to ANY ZMS-compatible furniture (as far as bed=bed animations, etc. match).

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