As a general rule of thumb; web developers and programmers do not give you the kind of powers that would give you an ability to *accidentally* break something. You will have to be a brilliant hacker and coder to be able to go past security protocols and settings, and they sure as heck couldn’t run a system like Second Life relying on people’s common sense and agreement to NOT touch buttons they’re not supposed to touch.
Everything you can prod is free for you to prod – or very bad design from another person who has accidentally left permissions open, to be fair… but it’s their responsibility. You won’t break Second Life, even though you can royally screw up items you own yourself.
Murphy’s Law
Murphy’s Law is one of the most miss-quoted quips of all time. Murphy was an electrical engineer and a teacher, and he taught his students to design their gadgets with the firm faith that if something can go wrong, it will go wrong, and someone’s going to wind up dead from electrocution. Murphy’s Law is the basis of good design, no matter what it is you deal with – and Second Life is one of those things.
Therefore. Rezz yourself an object.
Go to a public sandbox or the premium sandbox if you have a premium account, and touch the land, go “create,” and touch the land again. A block will appear. Now, you can just select that box and try every button in the edit screen.
When the box turns into a… I don’t know… A star, or a mangled up unrecognizable thingamabob, just delete it and make another one.
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