Return to Second Life: how to recover your old account!

When you return to Second Life, do recover your old account before starting a new one. Otherwise, you’ll forever be torn between the two. ;p (I made this mistake; I couldn’t remember my password, started a new account and invested some money into upgrading it into mesh – by the time I recalled my old password, I was too attached to the new avi.) You can change your account name these days, too, albeit it costs a bit of money. Can’t remember your password?

Some of these are obvious, but still, prompting might trigger something:

  1. Think back; did you use the same password for most places? Try each one you can recall.
  2. Think back; which email you might have been using at the time? Can you re-register or recreate it by chance if you don’t use it anymore? (In the future, use Sneakemail for everything so you don’t lose your old sh**… It is a spam-fighting disposable (but open until deleted) email, but can also be used to redirect mail to your current address by simply updating your “real email”.)
  3. Would you have an old list of passwords stored somewhere?
  4. Even if you can’t log in via the viewer, would you have a password saved into the browser (you were using at the time)? Try logging in at instead, where the password might be saved.
  5. Would you have possibly saved passwords to a google account (or similar) you no longer use?
  6. Remember how old avis used to have a last name? Then there was a period when everyone was just called So-And-So Resident. Now we’re back with last names. Which one is your account?
  7. If all else fails: You can also try and send a ticket to Second Life. Apparently, they ask you a few questions to confirm you own the account. If they’re satisfied you own the account, they’ll reset your password and email for it. (Second Life is one of those few platforms left that actually allow you to speak to real people when you have an issue. ;p)

Once you’re in: TO DO:

  1. Save your current outfit as it is for the nostalgic value. (The T-shirt icon, “save outfit as”.)
  2. Enjoy the nostalgia.
  3. Come see me: Saint Berne, Gowers


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