Why can’t I make some Second Life objects any smaller?

Making Second Life objects smaller can feel impossible when you try to scale them with a ‘stretch’ or CTRL+Sift command. The reason for this is that there is a limit of 1 cm thickness to any linked prim in a link set. There are two ways of fixing this.

  1. Find the thin prim in a link set, set its thickness to over 0.001 (like 0.002 or 0.003), and try resizing again. Usually, the culprit to everything is the shadow plane.
  2. There may be more than one prim that is preventing the resize, you might not be able to find them all or it, or you might want to know how much you resize things for if you’re using something like ZEN METAL Bums Back On Seat -a tool with the object you’re working on. If that’s the case, you want to use a script to resize the object. There’s a free awesome object resizer script available on the marketplace and included in the Bums pack, This script will take care of everything for you.

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