Creating and shopping for other people’s talent is the one thing most of us love on Second Life. While you don’t HAVE TO appreciate other people’s good work in the form of Linden Dollars, I personally have never been happier …
Is Second Life ALWAYS this slow?! Why is Second Life so laggy?
We all experience lag and semi-frequent viewer crashes and server disconnections from time to time on Second Life, especially if the computer we’re accessing it with is not built for gaming. Your Internet speed does very little for it if …
Zoom and Pan Your Camera on Second Life – I wish I had listened on Orientation Island!
I remember walking through the Orientation Island on Second Life (back when it was still there) and sort of breezing through this part, thinking it’s not that important. About a year later, I figured it out elsewhere… You should have …
Why can’t I make some Second Life objects any smaller?
Making Second Life objects smaller can feel impossible when you try to scale them with a ‘stretch’ or CTRL+Sift command. The reason for this is that there is a limit of 1 cm thickness to any linked prim in a …
When Second Life Stuff No Worky!
There are a few pretty common errors that happen with Second Life. It’s nothing serious, just stuff that happens all the time. I, like most people, use a Firestorm Viewer, so these fixes work primarily for that. If you’re on …
Get away from Second Life newbie mode with camera controls.
One of the biggest issues Second Life residents have is that they don’t know how to control their follow cameras properly. It is not that it cannot be done; it’s that many people have no idea how to do it …
Removing Second Life ban line graphic from Firestorm Viewer.
On Second Life, by default, you see the yellow ban lines pretty much everywhere on the mainland, ruining your view. However, there’s a relatively simple way to take that eyesore out. It won’t allow you to walk into the parcels, …
Owning or renting land on Second Life
Having land on Second Life is confusing, especially when you get started. I’ll keep this newbie-friendly and give you the BY FAR easiest way to go about it, but you’ll find that I’ve kept a lot of options to myself. …
When you’ve got time, but no access to a Second Life viewer
I don’t want to suggest you should do this at work, not at all, but if you have a moment on the internet without a moment on Second Life, there are a few things you can do that will make …
Where do you get those cool avatars?
First of all, the starter avatars are a bit rubbish for a reason. 😉 They are there to get started but also to push you to innovate. They’re not terrible, but they do scream “newbie.” And of course, it’s important …