How to get a redelivery on items you’ve bought on Second Life?

There’s a ton of reasons why you’d want to get an item you’ve bought redelivered to you. Maybe you broke it (moron!) or deleted it (moron) or can’t remember where you saved it (moron!!) Or, perhaps you want to check if the item has been updated. (Smart!)

If you bought it on Marketplace

Sadly, you’ll have to remember whether you bought it in-world or Marketplace, but it’s surprisingly easy to remember… But you also need to remember the name of it. Uh!

Log in and go to this page on the Second Life Marketplace to see all of your orders. (Bookmark it.) Search for the item and click “Redeliver item.” It’ll be redelivered the same way as you bought it.

The page can be found from My Marketplace -> My account -> Order history.

If you bought it in-world

MOST vendors are CasperVend, which means that you can get most of your bought items redelivered through the same page. To get to that page, find ANY CasperVend redelivery terminal, touch it, and go to the url. There’s “From this store” and “From other stores” tabs at the top, so you can search for the item wherever there’s a CasperVend redelivery terminal…

Still, do you one better. Bookmark that link and visit it any time.

You could also grab the CasperVend package off the marketplace (the free version, that takes 10% of every sell you make with it) and use the redelivery terminal there for your own use. You could take the script out of it (right click and choose ‘open’) and drop it into any modifiable prettier object you might own for quick access.

Not there?

If you can’t find it either on Marketplace or on CasperVend, the merchant either doesn’t have a redelivery system (most do) or they’re using some other redelivery server than CasperVend. In that case, you have to drag your pixels all the way to the original store and find their redelivery terminal there.

Keep hydrated on your hike!


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