Getting around on Second Life

You will quickly learn to teleport between places, but you might find the different types of teleporter systems a bit confusing. Some require you to touch them and choose a destination before you sit on them, some require a whole network to be called as the quantum portal calls the receiving portal — all for show, but… some require just touching them, and you’ll find yourself at a new location, some need you to walk through them – some will even not ask you, and they’ll simply move you where you need to go… Or trap you – there are games on Second Life, after all.

Some teleporters are hidden and some are very much visible. There are networked teleporters that move you from one sim to another, and there are ones that simply move you from one point on one sim (simulator/region) to another.

The point of this post is that keep your eyes open for anything that you might be able to sit on and teleport on. They really don’t always look like teleporters, some are rugs, closets, brooms, elevators, doors – you name it.