Joining Second Life is a two-step process. You’ll need, besides a laptop and a mouse
- a (free) Second Life account
- a (free) viewer for Second Life (I, like everybody, recommend Firestorm.)
Your laptop will need a bit of crank for comfort, but with patience a standard system will suffice. Second Life is available on mobile, but it is very much a beta experience at this stage, and I cannot recommend it for anything but a very elaborate chat system… So far, but it does show a lot of promise.
- Join Second Life and choose a starter avatar.
- If you don’t have a Second Life viewer, go to download page. You need to choose the installer for your laptop brand. (Look for a matching logo on your laptop if unsure.)
- Read through the Firestorm instructions; they’re pretty good.
- Log into your viewer. It should now direct you to my newbie info box. (You might have wound up on Second Life Orientation Island or Firestorm Island instead, if so:)
- Click this link: Visit ZEN METAL Newbie Info. There, you can find the quick start guide to SL (I know you don’t want to go to Second Life University on your first day to decide whether you want to stay, so my newbie info is very barebones, and can also be read online while you pretend to work or something.)
Know your way around? Then, go here.
Once you know your way around Second Life here’s the ZEN METAL main sim landing point.